Damianos Mt.
2014-05-04 16:35:39 UTC
I am trying to use Anubis through Sf framework. My purpose is to have
2 node and they discover each other. Discover by the means of
where(IP) each sfDaemon is running.
I have the following code inside both servers
sfProcessHost "serverIP";
pConsole extends AnubisPartitionTestConsole {
anubisParameters PARENT:node1:anubisParameters;
node1 extends AnubisService {
anubisParameters extends AnubisDefaultParameters {
identity:node 1;
connectionTransport extends NonBlockingConnectionTransport;
identity:magic 1234;
heartbeatGroup:port 32323;
contactAddress:host "serverIP";
contactAddress:port 40799;
testAddress:host "serverIP";
testAddress:port 40788;
member extends AnubisPrim {
locator LAZY PARENT:locator;
anubisName "someName";
group extends AnubisGroup {
locator LAZY PARENT:locator;
groupName "someGroupName";
When i run this code i dont see any response from the servers.Am i
doing something wrong,missing something?
I of course change the IPs properly in each server. Your help would be
very helpful.
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
I am trying to use Anubis through Sf framework. My purpose is to have
2 node and they discover each other. Discover by the means of
where(IP) each sfDaemon is running.
I have the following code inside both servers
sfProcessHost "serverIP";
pConsole extends AnubisPartitionTestConsole {
anubisParameters PARENT:node1:anubisParameters;
node1 extends AnubisService {
anubisParameters extends AnubisDefaultParameters {
identity:node 1;
connectionTransport extends NonBlockingConnectionTransport;
identity:magic 1234;
heartbeatGroup:port 32323;
contactAddress:host "serverIP";
contactAddress:port 40799;
testAddress:host "serverIP";
testAddress:port 40788;
member extends AnubisPrim {
locator LAZY PARENT:locator;
anubisName "someName";
group extends AnubisGroup {
locator LAZY PARENT:locator;
groupName "someGroupName";
When i run this code i dont see any response from the servers.Am i
doing something wrong,missing something?
I of course change the IPs properly in each server. Your help would be
very helpful.
This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.